Monday, March 25, 2013

Sims 3 How to Install mods.

Here is a Video to help if you are having trouble installing mods on the Sims 3 .
This site  tells you everything you need to know to get started and has what you need.
You will need WinRar or some program to open the files you download.
First you want to open your documents and find the electronics arts folder. Open the electronics art folder  then find the Sims 3 folder and open it. Go to the link posted above and and download the Mods folder . You will find the Download under the setup folders and files in big letters you will see DOWNLOAD in blue. Click it and you will have your Mods folder ready.
Now you need to drag the Mods Folder into the Sims 3 Folder . You now have the mods folder ready for any Mods and CC .
To download you need to find what ever mod  you want and download the file. When you got the file drag it into Mods/Packages and drop it in the packages folder. It should now show up in game when you play. :)
I hope this helps some i'm not the best at explaining things just thought I would give it a try.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Mod Links

Most of the youtube videos I post have the links to the mods I show. If you would like for me to also post them to the blog let me know in the comments.It may make things easier. But the links are in the description of the videos I post on my channel. :)

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Sims 3 River Tam

I tried to make River Tam from Firefly though I think I still have some work to do.

River Tam Sims 3

Firefly is one of my favorite shows  I want to try and make all the characters and find a western like world to put them in.

Sims 3 Asian Stlye

I founds all kinds of amazing asian styled  mods for the sims 3. From things to build house to CAS was so happy when i came across these mods.


Sims 3 Geisha